Meet at the Maverik, 2023 Redwood Rd., Saratoga Springs, at 9:30am for a 10am departure. Our route will take us along the west side of Utah Lake with its incredible views of the Wasatch Front and the Lake. In Elberta, at the old Sinclair station, we turn right, west, and head for the cute mining…
St Patrick’s Day Brunch 3/16
It’s getting to be that time of year. That’s right, our Annual St Patrick’s Day Brunch. As in the past, we’ll be meeting at the Black Sheep Bar & Grill, 1400 S. Foothill Dr, SLC, at 10:30am, Sunday, March 16th. We’ve contacted them and they are happy that we’re returning for another year. There is a facelift…
Potluck planning meeting Feb 8
The BMCU has always been very good at helping its members. Here is another opportunity. Wanted: You! Your ideas. Your willingness to help. This is all you need to do to help. Show up (this is one of the Club rules) 🙂 Bring a dish to pass, i.e. chili, casserole, salad, tacos, cake, cookies, etc….
Alpine Loop drive 9/28/24
OK, members, it’s time once again for our annual Alpine Loop Drive & BBQ. The date is Saturday, Sept 28. We need to again know if you are going on the drive and BBQ so that we can get your name on the list AND know how much food to get to feed you hungry…
Trapper’s Loop drive Aug 24
August 24th is THE day — the day designated as this year’s Trappers Loop Drive! This drive is one of the oldest, continuous drives in the BMCU and is always well attended and a club favorite, so don’t miss it. We are planning to meet as usual at the east end parking lot of Hogle…