I realize that too many of you in the BMCU right now it looks like the Club has gone on Holiday because it doesnbt seem like anything is going on. Actually I can assure you that there is plenty going on behind the scenes. First allow me to introduce myself, my name is Duff Lawson and I am the new Governor General. For those of you that I have met I hope you will support me in this new task and for those of you that I have not yet met, I hope that we do so soon on one of the clubs many driving events.
So let me tell you a bit about my background. I bought my first LBC just out of college in 1976, a 1968 BRG MGC-GT and I still own it. I did not go on the first Alpine Loop drive but I did join the club latter that summer. I made the drawing for the Club patch which is now used on the flag, lapel pins, car badges, decals, etc. I have also been a Board Member for about the last four years. I believe I have a real vested interest in seeing the Club prosper.
To that end, I would like to thank the Board Members and Club Officers who have all agreed to continue in their current capacities for another year. I also want to thank Drew Frink for accepting the position of Webmaster and Larry Farrington for accepting a brand new club position of Lieutenant Governor. This new position is very important for the future of the club and insures that there is continuity and leadership into the future. Please take a moment at an event to congratulate the newbiebs and thank the oldsters for their service.
That brings me to the next issue, the desperate need for a Newsletter Editor. This is a very important Club position and it is imperative that it be filled soon. With the depth of knowledgeable people we have in this Club, surely there is someone who has fancied themselves a wordsmith and longs to be a publisher. Perhaps the spouse of a member would be interested. Please consider this position carefully, the publishing software is included. Next up I want to thank all of the brave souls who dared the showers and came out for the British Field Day. This has always been my favorite event and I have been on the planning committee for all of its 18 years. I am always happy to see a good turnout and this one challenged us with the worst weather that we have ever had! There are pictures on the Club website, check them out.
The next Club event is the Trappers Loop drive. Thank Clayton Merchant for being the organizerfor this event and it sounds like he has the route verified and everything ready to go. Unfortunately a family trip means that I will not be able to attend but I hope that those who do have a beautiful and uneventful drive!
Happy motoring to all, and to all a good night.
-Duff Lawson, Governor General