Have I mentioned that the BMCU was participating in the Annual Miner’s Day Parade in Park City on Monday, September 5?
Those that remembered to show up were: Duff Lawson, Chris Dunbeck, Darin Graber, Jon Hermance, Andrew Frink, Wes Himle, Rubin Ventress, Ron Christensen, Dave Christensen, Kent Jensen, Roger Dotson, Jamie Monroe, Rob Foye, John Progress, Barb Progress, Daniel Bair, Steven Nelson, Richard and Emele Wayland, Kevin and Jan Cowan, Kathy and Floyd Inman, Jim and Susan Revel, Pugs and Diane, Pete Belford, Dave and Carol Mark (good to see the two of you out), and Gary Lindstrom. (If I misspelled your name it is because you can’t write or you are a doctor writing a prescription).
Anyway, a great turnout at the top of Main Street leaving just enough room for the fire trucks to get past.
The parade route was downhill the entire trip. In fact, the Queen didn’t fire the engine until we entered the park where the Rotary Club had reserved our parking place. (Really convenient — a big kudo goes out to the Park City Rotary for staying with tradition.)
Refreshments were available to those that choose to stay around the Park for the festivities. Hopefully some stayed for the drilling and mucking contest.
Thank you to all those that made the trip, For those that missed the event, let me just remind you that there are but 364 days before we do it again! And you all know that I will be reminding you well in advance!!!
– Floyd Inman
Once again the BMCU was out in full force for the Miner’s Day parade in Park City. I didn’t get a full car count but we had a nice selection of cars who took advantage of the downhill route to coast through the Park City crowds blowing horns (in the case of Jon Hermance quite literally blowing his horn — to the disgust of his family) and waving to all the folks. The cloudy skies kept us cool and the rain stayed away. Another successful parade, and a big thanks to Floyd Inman for motivating us all to get out and show of.
We should be seeing the emails for next year’s parade any day now.
– Drew Frink