Congratulations on another successful BFD. There was a wonderful cross-section of British vehicles from the ’50’s through today’s models.
Thank you Jon Hermance and the rest of the members on the Field Day committee for putting on a great show. And, thanks to the members who so willingly gave up the better part of their Saturday, to bring their LBC’s to Liberty Park. The number of entries that I’ve heard came, was 122, with some individuals bring more than one vehicle.
Thanks, also, to the folks who showed up Friday evening to put up all the banners and turn this section of the Park into Show Grounds for Saturday. And a Huge THANKS to those members who stayed after the Show was over, and tore down all the banners, collected the stakes and returned the cones. There was one member who came Friday to help set up, and returned Saturday afternoon to help with the tear down. The best part of this is, the individual did not have a car in the show! Thanks, Dennis! Your help was greatly appreciated. When we left, you would have had a hard time knowing what had just gone on in this area. GREAT JOB!
I think Bill Davis was even smiling at the end of the day! That means that the Liberty Wells neighborhood will once again benefit from the showing of our cars.