It’s hard to believe that we are talking about the end of August already! Fall is closing in. College Football starts soon AND our Trappers Loop run will take place on August 26th, that’s less than 2 weeks away, so plan NOW.
We will meet at the east end of the Hogle Zoo parking lot. That’s 800 South (which becomes Sunnyside Ave that far east) and 2600 East in SLC for those who may be unfamiliar. We plan to meet up at 8:30 am for a 9:00 am departure.
We’ll do the usual run up Emigration past East Canyon into Morgan where we’ll stop to take a load off for a bit before heading up past Snow Basin and over Trappers (State Rte. 167) down into Ogden Valley and beautiful Pine View Reservoir. We’ll hang a left on SR39 and go down to the Pine View Dam and turn right on SR158 and take it to the Mad Moose Cafe where we will have lunch. They have reserved the patio for us and look forward to our return. (Its been a few years.) If the Mad Moose isn’t your thing (see lunch menu here), the Don Pollo Mexican Gourmet is in the same parking lot and their menu can be found here:
So, you have options. Plan now to attend and I hope to see you there!