It has been too long since we’ve had a scheduled event. Clear back to July 1st and that is WAY to long to go without seeing our fellow BMCU members/friends.
So, here’s the skinny. Meet at the east parking lot of the Hogle Zoo, this Sunday, Aug 21st 2016, at 9am for a 9:30am departure. You’re going to LOVE this drive!
Valley too hot for you? That’s great because Jim is going to lead us UP Emigration to cooler temps. We will continue UP to the top of East Canyon, before a leisurely drop down to the friendly town of Morgan. A perfect spot for a Drain & Gain before heading on the surprisingly pretty, winding frontage road, to the Trapper’s Loop road. Then up Trapper’s Loop to more cool, refreshing air. At the top of the pass, Jim will take us to Snowbasin where you can purchase a lunch at Earl’s.
There is a Blues, Brews & BBQ event that runs all summer and is free! You may stay as long as you like. Check with other members for return routes. The most popular course is probably a retracing of the route back to the Zoo. So make your arrangements and hook up with other members for your return.
See you this Sunday morning!