Cruisin' & Groovin'
Mark Noeltner
The weather was perfect with a clear blue sky and just a hint of fall in the air as we gathered at the State Capital for the annual State Street Cruise. Like previous years we had a great turnout, although at times it looked more like an MGA club event instead of the BMCU!
After checking out everybody's cars, we cranked 'em up and hit the road a few minutes after 7:00pm. As we cruised down State Street we attracted stares from people on the sidewalks, admiring looks from a couple of Harley riders, and a Porsche Boxter flashed his lights to show he approved of our cavalcade.
At 9000 South we turned up the hill towards the Sandy Dairy Queen, owned by club member Joe Chou. As always, Joe was a perfect host. His generous donation of a cake with an MG-TD on it gained everyone's approval, and his donation of two more cakes for door prizes provided some additional entertainment as we played guess the number.
The turnout was great with 18 cars and 1 motorcycle attending. 17 of the cars and the Triumph bike were British, but unfortunately our DeLorean had a bad headlight switch so Joyce and I attended in our Japanese British Roadster (Miata).
Attending were: Gary, Sandy, Margaux Lindstrom, Dave & Sandy Maxwell, Bill & Julie Van
Moorhem, Jon Hermance, Bill Walton, Floyd & Kathy Inman, Nick & Stewart
Nichols, John & Barb Progess, Clayton Merchant, Larry & Margaret Farrington, Kaye & Kent Thomas, Chris Grahn, Bob & Valerie Lux, Kendall
& Connie Dewsnup, John & Marce Weibel, Mark & Joyce Noeltner, Robert &
Jill Davis, Joe Chou, Larry & Mary Bishop, Brent & Jennifer Andersen.
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