Tech Session
Paint by Merlin Berg
The March 22 tech session on custom automotive painting was a great success by all measures, including knowledge imparted, questions answered, and attendee count. Merlin's cozy garage was filled to overflowing, and the formal session ran for well over two hours.

Topics covered included how to select a car worthy of a custom paint job, importance of body panel fit and surface preparation, how to offset costs by sweat equity, and the ins and outs of modern painting materials -- which have radically changed, mostly for the better, in recent years.

Merlin's presentation was salted with many anecdotes illustrating how he has learned (and is continually relearning) the many tricks of the trade. Stewart Nichols also gave an impromptu discussion of sheet metal repair, illustrated on a Mustang that appears to have been a flood victim in a silty river.

Attendees included Nicholas S. Nichols II, Gary Lindstrom, Mark Noeltner, Richard Moklofsky, Bill Robinson, Larry Bishop, John Progess, Jon Hermance, Stephen Chard, Wade Ashley, Al Gordon, Pete Ryner, Matt Hansen, Carlin Jacobsen, Brent Andersen, David Sadberg, Troy Glaser, Steve Nelson, Bill Van Moorhem.

Click on any of the photos below to see a larger version.


DSCF0012.JPG (24483 bytes) A work in progress at
Merlin Berg's shop.
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