Lucky 13: British Field Day 2004 Is A Huge Success

The thirteenth annual British Field Day, held June 5, was a grand success, with over 140 cars and a nice increase in admission revenue over last year. The event featured several innovations, including live entertainment, hot food, co-sponsorship by the Utah British Isles Association, and an expanded perimeter providing lots of elbow room. The new full color BMCU banner was unveiled (see photo above) at our booth, which enjoyed steady sales of shirts and other club regalia.

A strong contingent of BMCU members participated, including Bill Davis, Bruce Schilling, Sharon and Dan Forster, Jon and Susan Hermance, Bill and Julie Van Moorhem, Mitch and Diane Johnson, Floyd Kathy and Hyacinth Inman, Steve Nelson, Dave Marks, J. and Kay Jennings, Gary, Sandy and Margaux Lindstrom, Dan Kasha and Leigh Mercer, Mike Bailey, Ray Agutter, Kendall and Connie Dewsnup, Larry and Mary Bishop, Mark and Karen Bradakis, Pugs and Diane Pivirotto, Ron Gunderson, Rob Green, John and Barbara Progess, Haruo Miyagi, Craig and Judy Welk (apologies to those we missed).


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