Our weather has gone crazy! One minute it’s 70+ F☀️ and the next minute it’s nearly snowing🌨 in the valley. This is certainly an indication that our good weather driving season is almost concluded.🙁 Every year, we celebrate the end of the BMCU season by getting everyone together one more time to sit down and enjoy a…
Author: Drew
2022 Memorial Day Trip
When: Memorial Day 2022 – May 28-May 30/31 depending on your choice for the Extra Day Where: Vernal, UT Who: BMCU Members What: The BMCU Memorial Day Tour Why: Why not? Our next Tour is going to be to Vernal, UT. Members have suggested this location and they have also asked for a shorter drive for the…
Nebo Loop Fall Color Drive October 9, 2021
Meet at the Saratoga Springs Maverick Adventure Stop, 2023 RedwoodRoad, at 10:30 AM for a 11:00 AM Departure driving South on Hwy 68West side of Utah Lake (Nice new paved road) until the Stop sign atHwy 6, across from the old historic Sinclair Station. Turn left towardGoshen and Santaquin. Drive straight through Santaquin, go under…
Alpine Loop and BBQ, Saturday 9/25
The Alpine Loop Run and BBQ will happen on Saturday September 25. We will meet at 8:30 AM or so on the east side of the South Towne Mall (take the 106th South exit off I-15 going east, enter the mall parking lot off 106th South or from State Street about a block north of…
State Street Cruise 2021
As per the official BMCU calendar, September 7th has been set aside as the date for the “2021” STATE STREET CRUISE”. If you are in town for that weekend, then: Meet us on the east side of the Capital Building (parking stalls on E Capital Street ) at 10:30am for a departure time of 11:00am….