Once again the brave BMCU’ers rallied for a run out to Antelope Island. We never got a report on this one, but from the pictures it looks like a few hearty souls had a nice run.
Author: Drew
2009 Pot Luck Dinner and Planning Meeting
Saturday February 28th was a beautiful day and a great night for a BMCU get together at the old St. Paul’s church. This was one of the largest turnouts in memory. There were all kind of tasty treats and things to enjoy, I doubt anyone went away hungry.
Tech Session on Carburetors
Once again BMCU members were the beneficiaries of the generosity of the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar Register, this time at a terrific tech session on carburetors presented by Jay Jennings at his place of business, Therm Pro. In his customary thorough manner, Jay reviewed principles of combustion, properties of a well tuned automotive engine, the design,…