The weather prediction for St Pat’s Day looks fantastic! This Sunday, March 17th. Sunday (how appropriate, Sun, get it?) is the day we meet at the Black Sheep Bar & Grill, 1400 S. Foothill Dr., SLC. at 10am for brunch. The proprietors remind us that the Department of Alcohol Beveridge Services (DABS) require that we’ll need a government issued…
Potluck Dinner & Planning Meeting, Feb 10
It’s time for the annual Potluck Dinner & Planning Meeting! We’ll have some great news you’ll not want to miss! Be sure to put the evening of Feb 10 on your calendar. As in the past few years, our dinner🍽 will be in the Social room of the South Valley Unitarian Universalist Society church, 6876…
Midweek run to Oakley
It is often said that timing is everything. From baking, to basketball, to happening on a sale for something that you’ve always wanted. We’ve all had it happen to us. Yesterday was no exception. The weather forecast was for warmer temperatures and sunny skies. So, we planned for the Midweek Madness for Wednesday to take advantage of…
Nebo Loop
Again, the BMCU was treated to a wonderful drive through the Wasatch Mountains. This time, however, the route included the Nebo Loop road. Steen had warned us that this would be pretty much a daylong event and he was not wrong! We met at the Maverik station on the west side of Utah Lake, so…
End of season dinner
Plan ahead, if you have not done so, already. The Season End Dinner is still four weeks away, so you’ve got plenty of time to adjust your schedule to fit in the Dinner. Our Season End Dinner will be held, Saturday, November 11, at 6pm at the Left Fork Grill. The Grill is located at: 68 W. 3900 South, SLC. Make your…