The Antelope Island Run is on May 1, 2010. It will be just a little different this year for my convenience and since I’m in charge, I get to choose! For those coming from the south please meet at the capitol building in the parking lot in the back on the East side. If someone…
Drive out to the Grantsville Car Show
Six of us met at the north east Lowe’s lot at 1300 S. & 3rd.W : Jonathan & Annelise Wright in their Spitfire, Jon Mac Lean in his new Solstice coupe, Rob Green in his MINI (Monster), Joe Ford in his MGB and Paul in his SUV. Heading west towards Tooele and Grantsville the city…
Grantsville Car Show and Poker Run, March 20
Hey guys this Saturday is the Grantsville car show and Poker Run. It should be a great time. The car show will be at the high school in Grantsville in the parking lot. Those who want to participate in the poker run should be at the high school between 9:00am and 9:45. The poker run…
Memorial Day Run 2010 Plans
Capitol Reef National Park, here we come! Jon Hermance (, home 801-583-5846) is the tour master for this event. He and his family will be taking up the rear for much of the trip in their T-Series MGs. There will be a mother-ship Toyota 4-Runner with some space for extra baggage and for anyone who…
Potluck Dinner and Planning Meeting
Our annual February potluck dinner and planning meeting went well and was well run and organized by our faithful leader and Governor General. Unfortunately your web correspondent had to leave early for a gig, but Paul Jaroch kindly took notes that I can pass on here. Current officers were in agreement that all will remain…