Your fearless master of things web has been hard at work on our new club website — yes, I should have been out in the garage finishing up the Bugeye, but this web project needed to get done! Our new site uses a modern web back end (WordPress) that really helps make keeping the site…
The Future of the BMCU
I realize that too many of you in the BMCU right now it looks like the Club has gone on Holiday because it doesnbt seem like anything is going on. Actually I can assure you that there is plenty going on behind the scenes. First allow me to introduce myself, my name is Duff Lawson…
British Field Day 2009
Another British Field Day has come and gone! This year was marked by some very British weather, with drizzle/rain on and off throughout the day. Still, many good folks came and happily showed off their cars and bikes. Thanks to all for making another Field Day a success.
Memorial Day run to Southern Utah
Once again we have pictures from a run with no report — remember folks that we love to hear the stories from these adventures!
Annual spring run around the lake
A beautiful morning greeted the group as they gathered at the Check Auto Parts in Kaysville for the 10 :30 am departure. The group traveled east to 89, then north to Harrison Blvd, by Rainbow Gardens, east on 39 (Ogden Canyon Road) past Pine view Reservoir thru Huntsville, Eden and on to Liberty, then up…