A beautiful morning greeted the group as they gathered at the Check Auto Parts in Kaysville for the 10 :30 am departure. The group traveled east to 89, then north to Harrison Blvd, by Rainbow Gardens, east on 39 (Ogden Canyon Road) past Pine view Reservoir thru Huntsville, Eden and on to Liberty, then up…
Antelope Island Run
Once again the brave BMCU’ers rallied for a run out to Antelope Island. We never got a report on this one, but from the pictures it looks like a few hearty souls had a nice run.
2009 Pot Luck Dinner and Planning Meeting
Saturday February 28th was a beautiful day and a great night for a BMCU get together at the old St. Paul’s church. This was one of the largest turnouts in memory. There were all kind of tasty treats and things to enjoy, I doubt anyone went away hungry.
Tech Session on Carburetors
Once again BMCU members were the beneficiaries of the generosity of the Wasatch Mountain Jaguar Register, this time at a terrific tech session on carburetors presented by Jay Jennings at his place of business, Therm Pro. In his customary thorough manner, Jay reviewed principles of combustion, properties of a well tuned automotive engine, the design,…